- Commision rates are 20% to the vendor and 10% to the buyer with a minimum of $7.50 fee
charged per lot to the vendor.
- Minimum lot values should achieve a hammer price of fifty dollars.
- Payout is 45 days after auction date in most cases.
- Material which we feel is not suitable for auction is returned.
- Please include an inventory list of material submitted for consignment as our lists are
usually prepared 2 months before auction date as they appear in the catalogue. Material should
be sent by registered mail.
- We mail approximately 3000 catalogues worldwide and cater to a diverse group of bidders
with a wide variety of interests.
- To ensure inclusions of your consignments please have material in our hands before
advertised deadlines. The sooner we have it the better.
- Material which we find does very well are collections, accumulations, job lots, postal
history, better worldwide sets and singles, Perfins, Cinderellas and unusual items.
Material which does not sell well are hi-value classics with varying faults, sets and singles
with faults. These should be grouped as job lots as this is the only way they usually sell.
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